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These little animals aren’t being malicious, so it’s simply a matter of making sure there’s no reason for them to be attracted to your home. Either way, trapping makes it easy to physically remove a bat that has gotten into your home and release it to a safer spot. The best way to get rid of bats that have gotten into your house is to encourage them to exit on their own. The less physical contact you have with these critters, the better.
Bats in Attics
The Humane Society explains that bats fly in U-shaped patterns, staying higher near the walls and dipping lower in the middle of a room, so stay close to the walls. Wait quietly for the bat to find its way back outside, which will likely happen within a few minutes. Start by removing any children, pets, or other family members from the room to keep them safe and to minimize distractions. Bats, like people, can get flustered and stressed in loud and confusing situations.
Special Considerations for Bat Removal

Occasionally a bat may accidentally fly into your living space through an open window or door. If you see a bat flying around your home, it is not there to harm you. You must remain calm and help it find its way back outdoors. Signs of bats on a roof are like the signs of bats in other places. Guano piles, urine stains, odors, and in many cases, you can watch bats at dusk start flying around.
Hire Professionals
Understanding how to deal with mammals such as bats and take precautions before handling a colony are essential factors to preserve yours and the bats’ wellbeing. Sidings can be a beautiful addition to the external walls of your house. As they are the first layer of protection against rain, snow, and temperatures, they can rot quickly.
Step 5: Provide a one-way exit.
Eliminating a bat problem has less to do with removal than it does with sealing up points of ingress and providing bats with a way to get out but not back in. Bats can carry diseases like rabies, which is transmitted through bites or scratches. Their droppings (guano) may contain harmful fungal spores that can cause respiratory issues when inhaled. When it comes to bats, it’s best to rely on experts who know how to handle them properly.
Those that leave for the winter have a migration pattern very similar to that of birds. When October comes around, the colony fly’s south and return again in April. Also, consider purchasing Sigma’s Quarterly Pest Control Service.
‘Don’t worry’ bats may be in your NC home, says wildlife expert. How to get them out. - Charlotte Observer
‘Don’t worry’ bats may be in your NC home, says wildlife expert. How to get them out..
Posted: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Your house might be bat-free but still compromised by bats droppings and body oils. Similarly to the faces and urine of other animals, the presence of bats’ droppings in your house can lower the level of safety and hygiene that you aim to achieve. Once you have successfully trapped them in a cardboard box or plastic container, slide a piece of carton between the box and the surface. Now that the bat is inside, you can transport it outdoors in all safety.
Install a bat house
Line one side of 1/4″ hardware cloth with window screen. Cut each corner of the wire mesh so that the sides match the dimensions of your chimney. Bend the wire mesh at the cuts to create a cap that can fit over the chimney and secure with cable ties. Slide tube into cut holes and tape plastic sleeves on once inserted.
Yikes! You’re stuck in a situationship. When to stick around or get out
Bats love dark places and fascia board entry points provide that. On very rare occasions bats may mistakenly fly through open windows when hunting insects. Bats often enter homes in spring and summer, looking for roosting spots to breed. However, bats can inhabit homes at different periods of time throughout the year, depending on environmental conditions. To make sure your house is secure, consider hiring a professional bat removal and prevention service.
Bats are very small, so it’s possible that multiple bats can be living in your home without your even knowing it. After finding a bat, proceed with the steps above to determine how they are entering your home. There are nearly 50 species of bats in the United States, but only colonizing varieties will make their homes in your attic or under the eaves of your house. Bats are social creatures; they are mammals after all.
Before we go any further, it’s often a good idea to call a professional to deal with bats. Even small bats can be dangerous, and professional exterminators already have the tools to take care of them. Keep all pets and children as far away from the roosting areas as possible. These winged animals can bite, scratch, and transmit disease. They’re also known carriers of rabies, so you must take precautions when dealing with them.